Subject: The Wire!: Balanced Rock Regulators'
August 2007 Newsletter...
From: thewire@balancedrockregulators.com
Date: Tues, Aug. 14, 2007 9:30 pm
To: autosendmaillist <telegraph@balancedrockregulators.com>
From The Wire!
July 21, 2007... An unbelievable 6 (six!) bays, an hour
long lunch, demonstrations to interested viewers, set up and clean up, and
a semi-seventh scenario -- all before 3pm! It's gotta be a new record!
Better yet, we found a solution to the lead splash problems that
the New Carbon County Gun Range has been experiencing. Thin out the targets
and place carpet samples under the shotgun knockdowns! Yep, you heard
that right, left over carpet samples! There was also a bit of comedy value
at the clean up when Kitty and Trixie were righting the dozens of targets
back into their high density formation -- it seems one buffalo didn't want
to stand at attention and fell over into the 9 others knocking all the other
buffalo targets down in a domino fashion and all that could be done was
to shout "stampede!" I think there's a scenario in there somewhere.
And more importantly... no wood buildings were harmed in the production
of the first Balanced Rock Regulator shoot.
-=> Scores 'n' stuff for July can be found/downloaded at
We are choosing to do it this way for now so we don't clog email boxes.
Obviously, the website is still in beta testing and I'm working on it as
time allows... which basically means between 3:02am and 3:09am. We welcome
any suggestions and contributions that you may have after you look at it.
Here is a link to the site. http://balancedrockregulators.com.
-=> Our next shoot is Saturday, August 18, 2007 with setup
at 8am and the shooting beginning promptly at 9am. We will be shooting 6
scenarios again. We will be doing some more long range and there will be
some scenarios that will be a challenge -- just some hints... don't automatically
load yer guns for "10, 10 and 4". And for God's sake, polish out
the inside of your shotgun where the shells sit. The shoot will be at Carbon
County's new North Springs Shooting Range that has been featured in Shoot!Magazine
and the Chronicle as well as TV. Driving directions and a downloadable
map to the Cowboy Town are at the bottom of the front page of the Regulators'
website. Lunches will be "Standard Potluck", however, because
of the heat and by popular vote, Kitty will be making "Cowboy Subs"
again, even though she won't be able to make it the shoot -- that's dedication!
If you can't make it to our next shoot, we will be shooting every third
Saturday of the month. Our next shoot will be September 15, 2007 -- come
on out and see the other side of Cowboy Action Shooting!
-=> The next Officer's/Shoot Planning Meeting is not gonna happen
this month. Because things are going well and because many of us have
prior commitments, we are going to put off this month's Officer's Meeting
until sometime later this month... check the bottom of the home page for
the reschedule or the News Office for minutes of any previous meeting.
-=> A Mercantile? A Kiosk? A Bulletin Board? An Usher? I will
also be posting notices in the News Office as to club info and club postings.
I'm not sure yet... Anyway, one of our new members is looking
for a cheap no-frills lever action rifle that he and his wife can buy...
must be in .45 LC. And another has for sale a Cabela's .50 cal Black
Powder Hawken Traditional Rifle, NIB $300.00. I will get the full details
posted as soon as I get them. In the mean time, inquires or information
can be sent to The Wire! and I'll forward it on.
Membership to the Balanced Rock Regulators is $24 per year with
$8 per month for monthly shoots, and $10 per month for non-Balanced Rock
Regulator Members. No $8 fee for the month that you join. Shooters new to
the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting get their first two or three scenarios
free. Year long memberships start with the month you join and you get a
Balanced Rock Regulator ID card (with your picture on it -- either e-mailed
to us or taken by Bobcat or Kitty) the following month, thus proving when
you paid your membership and that you are a member! You will never experience
any of this I joined in November and I'm being hit up again in January for
the full amount problem -- your membership card proves that you're a member
for a full year. We are awaiting final pricing information from the North
Springs Gun Club which will mean a future Balanced Rock Regulator fee increase
to cover the fees that they pass on to us, but there's also going to be
a way to decrease monthly fees... in short, it's just cheaper to join now.
Sauntering into the cyber-sunset...
Bobcat Tepes
Balanced Rock Regulators, LLC Vice President
"Honesty, Ethics, Camaraderie & Spirit of the Game"
(435) 472-6666
email: thewire@balancedrockregulators.com
website: http://balancedrockregulators.com
I think that I have worked out most of the kinks with the
email list (which seem to be a life form of their own), but if you are receiving
double copies or you think someone should be added, or you wish to be removed,
or are having problems reading Rich Text e-mails, please don't hesitate
to contact me. And feel free to forward this email to anyone who you feel
would be interested in having a fun time at Cowboy Action Shooting. |