Subject: The Wire!: Balanced Rock Regulators'
October 2007 Newsletter...
Date: Tue, Oct 16, 2007 11:09 am
To: autosendmaillist <>
From The Wire!
The official newsletter of events and happenings of Carbon County's Single
Action Shooting Society (SASS) chapter...
September 15, 2007... Seven scenarios and lunch went off without
any major hitches -- even with members who had the typical last second remembrance
of other commitments. With some semi-creative MacGyver-izing we found ways
to make damaged range props work. And then there was our club's own props
-- one of which was a small sized railroad engineer's cap -- which added
to the jovial mood and made for great photos. Those specific photos will
appear on future promotional posters and web-site photos. We even broke
in the "long-walk 'n shoot scenario" where people requested a
park bench midway. Unfortunately, the Fancher Wagon Train still didn't survive
the 150th anniversary of Mountain Meadows and we all learned that "Buckskin
Ed" was not one of the best Wild Bunch outlaws to copy! A special nod
goes to Vanishing Breed who came over the long trail from Crow Seeps. No
railroad engineers, bordellos, nor hat sizes were harmed in the production
of this shoot.
September 19, 2007... The Balanced Rock Regulators entertained
the Castle Country Economic Summit. During the dinner, we talked about
SASS and the Balanced Rock Regulators, did a Hollywood Smoky Blank "re-enactment"
and Kitty told the true tale of the Castle Gate Payroll Robbery -- complete
with how the Carbon & Emery County Posses ended up shooting at each
other without any outlaws in the area. Then we did a high speed SASS shooting
demonstration and so many people lined up that we had to run two sets of
pistols, rifle and shotgun. Dingoman ran people through the shooting of
a "typical" 10-10-4, during which I'd be reloading and oiling
the other gun set, while Kitty was describing how CAS things worked while
entertaining the growing audience. And bless Stargazer for taking lots of
photos, because afterwards it was all a blur to us. I'm hoping to have those
photos up sometime later this month. Surprisingly the smoky blank reenactment
was the best received by conference attendees, quickly followed by people
purchasing signed copies of Kitty's new book Rails
Around Helper.
We've been told that that night was the best attended and most popular
event during the "Spurring Development -- Castle Country Economic Summit."
And it was our pleasure to be included in this type of event. If you would
like to be placed on a list as a shooter or a re-enactor for this type of
event then please e-mail me.
-=> Scores 'n' stuff for September will be available at
sometime this week. Visitation to the web site continues to grow and I've
heard nothing but good things about it. We welcome any suggestions and contributions
about/to the site after you look at it. There have been some good suggestions
that I've never thought of that will appear in the next major upgrade of
the website. Here is a link to the site.
-=> Our next shoot is Saturday, October 20, 2007 with setup at
8am and the shooting beginning promptly at 9am. We will be shooting 6 scenarios.
No shooting hints this time other than to expect that as typical to this
time of year there will be winged critters from above and a hangin'. The
shoot will be at Carbon County's new North Springs Shooting Range that has
been featured in Shoot! Magazine and the Chronicle as well
as TV. Driving directions and a downloadable map to the Cowboy Town are
at the bottom of the front page of the Regulators' website. Lunch
will be "Standard Potluck", Kitty will be making something, even
though she won't be able to make it to the shoot because of the first night
of Helper's Haunted Museum Tours starting that night. If you can't
make it to our next shoot, we will be shooting every third Saturday of
the month. Our next shoot will be November 17, 2007 -- come on out
and see the other side of Cowboy Action Shooting!
-=> The next Officer's/Shoot Planning Meeting was October 15, 2007
at Dingoman's House. How's that for timely notification! Due to surgical
procedures, client demands, web site projects, family visits and the Helper
Museum's Nighttime Haunted Tours... great grand plans for the group were
discussed involving dipping certain people in Gravy Train and feeding them
to packs of rabid poodles and world domination... or club operation and
democracy... it all depends on how Kitty writes the minutes... probably
towards the latter. For more information (which will appear on-line soon)
or to make suggestions or comments call Kitty at 435.472.6666.
-=> For now, I'm just calling it the Bulletin Board. I'm still
looking for a catchy name. Right now, I'm posting notices at the bottom
of the front page of the website. Anyway, one of our new members
is looking for a cheap no-frills lever action rifle that he and his
wife can buy... must be in .45 Long Colt. And another member has for
sale a Cabela's .50 cal Black Powder Hawken Traditional Rifle, NIB $300.00.
In the mean time, inquires or information can be sent to The Wire!
and I'll forward it on.
-=> Membership to the Balanced Rock Regulators is $24 per year
with $8 per month for monthly shoots, and $10 per month for non-Balanced
Rock Regulator Members. No $8 fee for the month that you join. Shooters
new to the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting get their first two or three
scenarios free. Year long memberships start with the month you join and
you get a Balanced Rock Regulator ID card (with your picture on it
-- either e-mailed to us or taken by Bobcat or Kitty) the following month,
thus proving when you paid your membership and that you are a member! You
will never experience any of this I joined in November and I'm being hit
up again in January for the full amount problem -- your membership card
proves that you're a member for a full year. We are awaiting final pricing
information from the North Springs Shooting Range which will mean a future
Balanced Rock Regulator fee increase to cover the fees that they pass on
to us, but there's also going to be a way to decrease monthly fees... in
short, it's just cheaper and more sane to join now as we don't charge shooters
for range fees that aren't in existence nor finalized yet.
Not so much as cast into Hell, but choosing to generally saunter downward
to where the company is more interesting...
Bobcat Tepes
Balanced Rock Regulators, LLC Vice President
"Honesty, Ethics, Camaraderie & Spirit of the Game"
(435) 472-6666
I think that I have worked out most of the kinks with the
email list (which seem to be a life form of their own), but if you are receiving
double copies or you think someone should be added, or you wish to be removed,
or are having problems reading Rich Text e-mails, please don't hesitate
to contact me. And feel free to forward this email to anyone who you feel
would be interested in having a fun time at Cowboy Action Shooting. |