Subject: The Wire!: Balanced Rock Regulators'
November 2007 Newsletter...
From: thewire@balancedrockregulators.com
Date: Tue, Nov 13, 2007 12:20 am
To: autosendmaillist <telegraph@balancedrockregulators.com>
From The Wire!
The official newsletter of events and happenings of Carbon County, Utah's
Single Action Shooting Society (SASS) chapter.
October 20, 2007... Snakes, lynch mobs, cannibals, coffin raiders
and deer hunters popping up on the range's hillsides! Critters of a halloween-ish
nature skulked and lurked through six scenarios and were still dispatched
with copious amounts of lead -- at least that's how we tell it! And better
yet, we had two new members join the growing ranks of the Regulators
-- one of which just moved here from Tennessee! Special thanks also goes
out to James Davis of the Emery County Review who came up
and did a news story on the Balanced Rock Regulators -- here is a link to that story. It says a lot when another
county's newspaper covers us... and better yet, puts us on the front of
their "B" section! Meanwhile, Bobcat illustrated an important
fact of heroic rescues -- you can't rescue your brother from a hangin' if
your ammo belts are empty! Fortunately, Madame Dimwitty was fed to a pack
of zombies in a seventh 0-0-0 rescue scenario... but no heavy prison manacles,
bats, cats, soiled doves or inanimate corpses were harmed and/or defiled
in the production of this shoot.
-=> Scores 'n' stuff for Octember (that's a combination of
October and September) will be available at http://balancedrockregulators.com/NewsOffice.html
sometime later this week. They've been sitting in my "in" basket
to be put up on the Regulators' website... I've just been drowning in general
dogsbody work with the Helper museum and clients and visiting family. My
bad... I feel sooooo guilty. We are still asking for input on the Balanced
Rock Regulators' website... here is a link to the site. http://balancedrockregulators.com
-=> Our next shoot is Saturday, November 17, 2007 with setup at
9am and the shooting beginning promptly at 10am. Yes, that's the winter
hours! We will be shooting 6 scenarios. I don't know what to expect
as this shoot is all Dingo's. Kitty and I will be off doing yet more exciting
slavery for the Helper museum. The shoot will be at Carbon County's new
North Springs Shooting Range that has been featured in Shoot! Magazine
and the Chronicle as well as TV. Driving directions and a downloadable
map to the Cowboy Town are at the bottom of the front page of the Regulators'
website. Lunch will be "Standard Potluck". If you can't
make it to our next shoot, we will be shooting every third Saturday of
the month. We've got something special planned for our next shoot
on December 15, 2007 -- come on out and see the other side of Cowboy Action
-=> Unfortunately, one of the founding members of Cowboy Action
Shooting in Carbon County passed away this past week. Duane "Buck"
Taylor (1938 -2007) was well-known in area archeology and paleontology museum
circles, for starting and playing guitar in the Nine Mile Players, and constantly
getting into trouble with his buddy, Don Burge. Ride well and we'll remember
you Buck. More details can be found here.
-=> For now, I'm just calling it the Bulletin Board. I'm still
looking for a catchy name. Right now, I'm posting notices at the bottom
of the front page of the website. Anyway, one of our new members
is looking for a cheap no-frills lever action rifle that he and his
wife can buy... must be in .45 Long Colt. And another member has for
sale a Cabela's .50 cal Black Powder Hawken Traditional Rifle, NIB $300.00.
In the mean time, inquires or information can be sent to The Wire!
and I'll forward it on.
-=> Membership to the Balanced Rock Regulators is $24 per year
with $8 per month for monthly shoots, and $10 per month for non-Balanced
Rock Regulator Members. No $8 fee for the month that you join. Shooters
new to the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting get their first two or three
scenarios free. Year long memberships start with the month you join and
you get a Balanced Rock Regulator ID card (with your picture on it
-- either e-mailed to us or taken by Bobcat or Kitty) the following month,
thus proving when you paid your membership and that you are a member! You
will never experience any of this I joined in November and I'm being hit
up again in January for the full amount problem -- your membership card
proves that you're a member for a full year. We are awaiting final pricing
information from the North Springs Shooting Range which will mean a future
Balanced Rock Regulator fee increase to cover the fees that they pass on
to us, but there's also going to be a way to decrease monthly fees... in
short, it's just cheaper and more sane to join now as we don't charge shooters
for range fees that aren't in existence nor finalized yet.
"Why rob a train and not a bank? Robbing a train is like robbing
a moving bank! It's hard enough to rob a bank without it speeding by at
100 miles per hour!!!" -- Pete Hutter
Bobcat Tepes
Balanced Rock Regulators, LLC Vice President
"Honesty, Ethics, Camaraderie & Spirit of the Game"
(435) 472-6666
email: thewire@balancedrockregulators.com
website: http://balancedrockregulators.com
I think that I have worked out most of the kinks with the
email list (which seem to be a life form of their own), but if you are receiving
double copies or you think someone should be added, or you wish to be removed,
or are having problems reading Rich Text e-mails, please don't hesitate
to contact me. And feel free to forward this email to anyone who you feel
would be interested in having a fun time at Cowboy Action Shooting. |